Tuesday, August 7, 2012

6 Success Tools and Strategies that will begin to make that difference in your Life

Lately, I could hardly find myself have the time to read and write article at all. Busy work schedules most of the time eat my whole day. That's why, whenever got the chance to read something good, I see to it to learn something from it.

This success tools and strategies I do hope can help you guys make a difference in your life.

1. Design a Powerful Life Plan
You need to know where you want to go before you leave where you are now.

2. Model the Strategies of Excellence
You must learn to model the strategies that will allow you to attain your goals.

3. Develop Personal Power
You must fight procrastination and know how to consistently take action to succeed.

4. Be a powerful Communicator
You must learn to empower and influence the people around you to achieve your goals.

5. Eliminate Self-Sabotaging Habits
You must eliminate bad habits like procrastination apathy and resistance to change.

6. Develop Powerful Self-Beliefs
You must break down your mental barriers and create new empowering beliefs to succeed.

Source: "Master the 6 keys Towards Achieving All Your Life Goals"; Today Newspaper; August 7, 2012 Issue

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