Sunday, June 24, 2012

How to give a sincere compliment

Giving compliments or saying "thank you" to employees and colleagues when they perform their jobs well is not a difficult thing to do. Furthermore, when done right, this can reinforce positive behaviour, as well as motivate and engage them in their work. 

But how would you pay someone a compliment and make it sound sincere? 

Do it now - When giving work compliments, always make it timely. Don't wait too long for the good deed to have passed before saying a word if thanks.

Be specific - This especially important when you want to reinforce positive behaviour in the employee. Instead of just saying a generic thank you, it is much better to phrase it in such a way that the person knows what he or she has been praised for. For example, you could say "Thank you for going out of your way to help that customer solve her problem."

Say it in public - Praise employees in public. Not only does this help boost their self-esteem and confidence at work, but it creates a positive culture in the workplace. Other employees can also learn what managers deem as positive work actions. 

Reward appropriately - Reward positive behaviour according to its magnitude. You don't need to buy a plaque for every positive thing you see. The general rule.of the.thumb is that small actions call for a small rewards, while big actions call for bigger rewards. 

Source: Headhunt Issue 106, June 21 - July 4, 2012

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