Sunday, April 15, 2012

10 Ways to Jump-start a good mood

I am such a moody person actually and I bet alot out there are as well. Right from the morning, as an individual doesn't catch up a good sleep, everything falls into a bad mood. As I have read this article last 2008 on how I can switch bad mood to another, well it is pretty not bad to follow some of the tips.

Here's a host of easy tricks that reduce stress and boost bliss--and don't cost mush time or money!

1. Chow on chocolate - There's reason why biting into a candy bar feels heavenly--chocolate sends feel-good chemicals throughout your body.

2. Tune in, chill out - A study published in the British medical journal Heart found that listening to slow-tempo music like classical or "easy-listening" songs reduced  heart and respiratory rates.

3. Breathe deeply - Recent research suggests that taking long, deep breaths for just 10 minutes a day can lower blood pressure. By breathing deeply, the body gets the oxygen it needs to function at optimum levels--plus the technique is free, and portable.

4. Schedule a short siesta - In research from the National Sleep Foundation, participants who napped for ten minutes in the afternoon experienced a bigger boost in mood and cognitive function than groups who napped 5, 20 and 30 minutes.

5. Get into the glow - Sunlight triggers the body to produce vitamin D. For most people, just 10-20 minutes will do. Lack of vitamin D has been linked to depression in some studies.

6. Stop and smell the Herbs - In a study at Western Oregon University, the smell of lavender relieved feelings of tension after anxiety-provoking tastks. Get your favorite bath soak or candle in a lavender scent.

7. Bon with Bowzer - Research at the University of Missouri at Columbia found that a few minutes of playing with four-legged friends raises levels of good-mood-inducing brain chemicals serotonin and oxytocin.

8. Shop Around - Studies show that shopping releases the joy-inducing chemical dopamine in the brain. Even browsing activates the pleasure centers in the brain.

9. Hit the pavement - A recent study published in the journal "Medine & Science in Sports & Exercise" found that a 30-minute walk can bring feelings of well being.

10. Wear a rainbow - Want a burst of pep? Slip into something red and yellow. Research has shown that such "hot" colors trigger a chemical reaction in the body that mimics a mini adrenaline rush.

Resources: "10 Ways to Jump-start a good mood", Good Housekeeping June 2008 Issue

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